Interactive DataViz


allow agency managers and program managers to get a quick overview of client well-being.


All data are simulated and randomly generated




Average Mental Health Score

Program A


Program B


Program C


Program D



Race or Ethnicity



Mental Health Scores

Mental Health Score by Age



Client Locations (Simulated and Randomly Generated)


Pivot Table





Average Age


Average Mental Health



Auto-Generated Report

  • This is a report on 100 clients.

  • The average age was 38.84.

  • The average mental health score was 101.24.

This report was automatically generated on August 03, 2022.


Think carefully about the confidentiality of your client data, the degree to which the dashboard might identify specific clients, and the audiences with whom the dashboard might be shared:

  1. Generally speaking, charts and graphs preserve client confidentiality. However, if there is a unique or rare combination of data, such a combination may reveal something about an individual client.

  2. Generally speaking, tables of individual data, contain a great potential to identify individual clients, and therefore access to such tables must be carefully thought through.

  3. With GIS data, it is particularly important to think critically about data access, as the identifiability issues may not be readily apparent. At a high level overview (i.e. a map that is “zoomed out”), GIS data may not pose a great deal of identifiability risk. However, GIS data can be highly identifying, when zoomed in to the street or block level.

title: "Dashboard DEMO"
date: '`r format(Sys.Date(), format="%B %d, %Y")`'
      - { title: "by Andy Grogan-Kaylor", href: "", align: left }
      version: 4
      bootswatch: cerulean
    vertical_layout: fill
    orientation: rows
    social: [ "twitter", "facebook", "menu" ]
    source_code: embed


library(knitr) # knitr

library(flexdashboard) # flexdashboard

library(readr) # to read csv

library(DT) # data table

library(formattable) # formatted data table

library(rpivotTable) # pivot table

library(ggplot2) # nice graphs

library(ggthemes) # themes for ggplot2

library(plotly) # interactive graphs

library(dplyr) # data wrangling

library(leaflet) # interactive maps



simulated_agency_data <- 
  read_csv("simulated agency data.csv")

simulated_agency_data$gender <- 

simulated_agency_data$raceEthnicity <- 

simulated_agency_data$program <- 

simulated_agency_data$age <- 



mycolors <- c("blue", "#FFC125", "darkgreen", "darkorange")


Interactive DataViz


### allow agency managers and program managers to get a quick *overview* of client well-being.


         color = "success")


### All data are simulated and randomly generated


         color = "warning")


### Clients


         icon = "fa-user",
         color = "success")


### **Average Mental Health Score**


            digits = 2),
      min = 0,
      max= 150,
      gaugeSectors(success = c(100, 150), 
                   warning = c(90, 100), 
                   danger = c(0, 90),
                   colors = c("green", 


### Program A


valueBox(sum(simulated_agency_data$program == "Program A"),
         icon = "fa-building-o",
         color = "primary")


### Program B


valueBox(sum(simulated_agency_data$program == "Program B"),
         icon = "fa-building",
         color = "secondary")


### Program C


valueBox(sum(simulated_agency_data$program == "Program C"),
         icon = "fa-building-o",
         color = "primary")


### Program D


valueBox(sum(simulated_agency_data$program == "Program D"),
         icon = "fa-home",
         color = "secondary")



### Race or Ethnicity


p1 <- simulated_agency_data %>%
  group_by(raceEthnicity) %>%
  summarize(count = n()) %>% 
  plot_ly(x = ~raceEthnicity,
              y = ~count, 
              color = I("blue"), 
              type = "bar") %>%
  layout(xaxis = list(title = 'Race or Ethnicity'),
         yaxis = list(title = 'Count'))



### Gender


p4 <- simulated_agency_data %>%
  group_by(gender) %>%
  summarize(count = n()) %>% 
  plot_ly(labels = ~gender, 
          values = ~count,
          marker = list(colors = mycolors)) %>%
  add_pie(hole = 0.4) %>%
  layout(xaxis = list(zeroline = FALSE, 
                      showline = FALSE, 
                      showticklabels = FALSE, 
                      showgrid = FALSE),
         yaxis = list(zeroline = FALSE, 
                      showline = FALSE, 
                      showticklabels = FALSE, 
                      showgrid = FALSE))




### Mental Health Scores 


p0 <- plot_ly(simulated_agency_data, 
              x = ~rownames(simulated_agency_data),
              y = ~mentalHealthScore,
              text = paste("Client ID:", 
MH Score:", simulated_agency_data$mentalHealthScore), type = "bar") %>% layout(xaxis = list(title = 'Client'), yaxis = list(title = 'Mental Health Score')) p0 ``` ### Mental Health Score by Age ```{r} p2 <- plot_ly(simulated_agency_data, x = ~age) %>% add_markers(y = ~mentalHealthScore, text = ~paste("MH Score: ", mentalHealthScore), showlegend = FALSE) %>% add_lines(y = ~fitted(loess(mentalHealthScore ~ age)), name = "Loess Smoother", color = I("#FFC125"), showlegend = TRUE, line = list(width = 5)) %>% layout(xaxis = list(title = 'Age'), yaxis = list(title = 'Mental Health Score')) p2 ``` ### Program ```{r} p3 <- simulated_agency_data %>% group_by(program) %>% summarize(count = n()) %>% plot_ly(labels = ~program, values = ~count, marker = list(colors = mycolors)) %>% add_pie(hole = 0.4) %>% layout(xaxis = list(zeroline = FALSE, showline = FALSE, showticklabels = FALSE, showgrid = FALSE), yaxis = list(zeroline = FALSE, showline = FALSE, showticklabels = FALSE, showgrid = FALSE)) p3 ``` Map ===================================== ### Client Locations (Simulated and Randomly Generated) ```{r} client_location_data <- simulated_agency_data N <- length(client_location_data$ID) client_location_data$mylatitude <- rnorm(N, 42.25, .1) client_location_data$mylongitude <- rnorm(N, -83.74, .1) m <- leaflet(data = client_location_data, height = 500, width = 1000) %>% setView(lng = mean(client_location_data$mylongitude), lat = mean(client_location_data$mylatitude), zoom = 10) %>% addProviderTiles("Stamen.TonerLite", group = "Toner Lite") m %>% addCircleMarkers(lng = ~mylongitude, lat = ~mylatitude, popup = ~paste("client: ", ID), clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions()) ``` Data ===================================== ```{r} # define an action rule based upon mental health scores simulated_agency_data <- simulated_agency_data %>% mutate(action_required = ifelse(mentalHealthScore < 90, TRUE, FALSE)) ``` ```{r} as.datatable(formattable(simulated_agency_data, list(age = color_bar("orange"), mentalHealthScore = color_bar("cyan"), action_required = color_tile("green", "red")), caption = "Simulated Data on Clients")) # datatable(simulated_agency_data, # caption = "Simulated Data on Clients", # rownames = TRUE, # filter = 'top', # options = list(pageLength = 10)) ``` Pivot Table ===================================== ```{r} rpivotTable(simulated_agency_data, aggregatorName = "Count", rows = "program", rendererName = "Bar Chart") ``` Report {data-orientation=columns} ===================================== Column {data-width=100} ------------------------------------- ### Clients ```{r} valueBox(length(simulated_agency_data$ID), icon = "fa-user") ``` ### Average Age ```{r} valueBox(mean(simulated_agency_data$age), icon = "fa-area-chart") ``` ### Average Mental Health ```{r} valueBox(round(mean(simulated_agency_data$mentalHealthScore), digits = 2), icon = "fa-area-chart") ``` Column -------------------------------------

Auto-Generated Report

* This is a report on `r length(simulated_agency_data$ID)` clients. * The average age was `r mean(simulated_agency_data$age)`. * The average mental health score was `r round(mean(simulated_agency_data$mentalHealthScore), digits=2)`.

This report was automatically generated on `r format(Sys.Date(), format="%B %d, %Y")`.

Confidentiality =====================================

Think carefully about the confidentiality of your client data, the degree to which the dashboard might identify specific clients, and the audiences with whom the dashboard might be shared: 1. Generally speaking, charts and graphs preserve client confidentiality. However, if there is a unique or rare combination of data, such a combination may reveal something about an individual client. 2. Generally speaking, tables of individual data, contain a great potential to identify individual clients, and therefore access to such tables must be carefully thought through. 3. With GIS data, it is particularly important to think critically about data access, as the identifiability issues may not be readily apparent. At a high level overview (i.e. a map that is "zoomed out"), GIS data may not pose a great deal of identifiability risk. However, GIS data can be **highly identifying**, when zoomed in to the street or block level.