Comparing Statistical Models

Andy Grogan-Kaylor

22 Oct 2023 10:48:33


In this example, we explore the predictors of the count of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) that children experience. Using the general linear model framework, we could conceivably compare different statistical models on several grounds.

  1. Theoretical plausibility
  2. Functional form of the dependent variable
  3. Functional form of the entire model
  4. Statistical criteria of fit.

Frequently, there is no one correct way to analyze data, and different statistical approaches need to be weighed on multiple criteria to ascertain which approach(es) is / are appropriate.

Theoretical and Functional Concerns

Statistical Model Stata Command Theoretical Rationale Functional Form of Dependent Variable Functional Form of Model Coefficients Imply
OLS regress Continuous dependent variable \(-\infty < y < \infty\) y is a linear function of the x’s A 1 unit change in x is associated with a \(\beta\) change in y
Logistic Regression logit Binary dependent variable \(y = 0 \text{ or } 1\) \(\ln \big( \frac{p(y)}{1-p(y)} \big)\) is a linear function of x’s A 1 unit change in x is associated with a \(\beta\) change in the log odds of y
logit, or A 1 unit change in x is associated with a \(e^{\beta}\) change in the OR
Ordinal logistic regression ologit Ordered dependent variable where distance between categories does not matter \(-\infty < y < \infty\) \(\ln \big( \frac{p(y \text{ this level of the outcome})}{p(y \text{ not this level of the outcome})} \big)\) is a linear function of x’s A 1 unit change in x is associated with a \(\beta\) change in the log odds of y
ologit, or A 1 unit change in x is associated with a \(e^{\beta}\) change in the OR
Multinomial Logistic Regression mlogit Dependent variable with multiple unordered categories \(-\infty < y < \infty\) \(\ln \big( \frac{p(y \text{ another category})}{p(y \text{ reference category})} \big)\) is a linear function of x’s A 1 unit change in x is associated with a \(\beta\) change in the log risk ratio of y
mlogit, rr A 1 unit change in x is associated with a \(e^{\beta}\) change in the RR
Poisson Regression poisson Dependent variable representing a count \(y \text{ is integer} \geq 0\) \(\ln(y_\text{count})\) is a linear function of x’s A 1 unit change in x is associated with a \(\beta\) change in the log count of y
poisson, irr A 1 unit change in x is associated with a \(e^{\beta}\) change in the IRR
Negative Binomial Regression nbreg Dependent variable representing a count \(y \text{ is integer} \geq 0\) \(\ln(y_\text{count})\) is a linear function of x’s A 1 unit change in x is associated with a \(\beta\) change in the log count of y
nbreg, irr A 1 unit change in x is associated with a \(e^{\beta}\) change in the IRR

Assessing Model Fit

Get Data And Create Count of ACEs

. clear all
. use "NSCH_ACES.dta", clear
. egen acecount = anycount(ace*R), values(1)  // generate count of ACES

Describe The Data

. describe acecount sc_sex sc_race_r higrade

Variable      Storage   Display    Value
    name         type    format    label      Variable label
acecount        byte    %8.0g                 ace1R ace3R ace4R ace5R ace6R ace7R ace8R ace9R
                                                ace10R == 1
sc_sex          byte    %30.0g     sc_sex_lab
                                              Sex of Selected Child
sc_race_r       byte    %48.0g     sc_race_r_lab
                                              Race of Selected Child, Detailed
higrade         byte    %61.0g     higrade_lab
                                              Highest Level of Education among Reported Adults

Explore Some Models

Only some of the above listed models are relevant. We estimate potentially relevant models. We use quietly to suppress model output at this stage.

. quietly: regress acecount sc_sex i.sc_race_r i.higrade // OLS
. estimates store OLS
. quietly: ologit acecount sc_sex i.sc_race_r i.higrade // ordinal logit
. estimates store ORDINAL
. quietly: poisson acecount sc_sex i.sc_race_r i.higrade // Poisson
. estimates store POISSON
. quietly: nbreg acecount sc_sex i.sc_race_r i.higrade // Negative Binomial
. estimates store NBREG

Compare The Models Including Fit Measures

. estimates table OLS ORDINAL POISSON NBREG, var(25) star stats(N ll aic bic) equations(1)

                 Variable │      OLS           ORDINAL         POISSON          NBREG      
#1                        │
                   sc_sex │ -.01358634      -.02856135      -.01282301       -.0127557     
                sc_race_r │
Black or African Ameri..  │  .32583464***    .47967243***    .26627607***    .28235733***  
American Indian or Ala..  │  .88542522***    .88482406***    .59710627***    .62278046***  
             Asian alone  │ -.46503425***   -.76002818***   -.62438214***   -.62012779***  
Native Hawaiian and Ot..  │   .2516065       .35416681       .20674094*      .21879323     
   Some Other Race alone  │  .07433855       .14197623*      .06755212*      .08062919     
       Two or More Races  │  .33035205***    .39265187***    .28181254***    .28198179***  
                  higrade │
High school (includin..)  │  .10021068       .17111252*      .06324858*      .06584405     
   More than high school  │ -.45113751***   -.62649139***   -.37861085***   -.38098265***  
                    _cons │   1.411494***                    .33994246***    .33915207***  
                    /cut1 │                 -.78624597***                                  
                    /cut2 │                  .65037457***                                  
                    /cut3 │                  1.5299647***                                  
                    /cut4 │                  2.2019291***                                  
                    /cut5 │                  2.8850071***                                  
                    /cut6 │                  3.6106908***                                  
                    /cut7 │                  4.4853373***                                  
                    /cut8 │                  5.9106719***                                  
                    /cut9 │                  7.5036903***                                  
                 /lnalpha │                                                 -.54430672***  
Statistics                │                                                                
                        N │      30530           30530           30530           30530     
                       ll │ -52340.464      -42451.588      -44758.999      -42775.864     
                      aic │  104700.93       84939.175       89537.999       85573.728     
                      bic │  104784.19       85089.052       89621.263       85665.319     
                                                   Legend: * p<0.05; ** p<0.01; *** p<0.001

We note that the signs of coefficients (positive or negative) appear to be consistent across models. Generally, but not universally, patterns of the statistical significance of coefficients are consistent across models.

In terms of log-likelihood a higher value indicates a better fit. We can also use the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) to compare models. For AIC and BIC, lower values indicate a better fit.

Thus, on strictly statistical grounds, the ordinal model would appear to provide the best fit, followed by the negative binomial model, the Poisson model, and the OLS model. However, we should note that the differences in fit between the ordinal, negative binomial and Poisson models are not exceptionally large. We would also worry that any differences in fit that we do see might be due to overfitting in this particular sample, or to capitalizing upon chance.

Lastly, we’d worry that the ordinal model might not satisfy the proportional hazards assumption, and should examine this with a brant test.

We need to balance these differences in fit against the fact that theoretically, a count data model seems more appropriate.

In this case, we would most likely choose to proceed with a count regression model.


As a postscript we note that in choosing between models, it might be helpful to do some exploratory data visualization. For example, are the relationships between x’s and y’s linear, or non-linear? Is the distribution of our outcome variable normal or non-normal? While there are no strict rules of thumb here, visualization of the data might help us to make a theoretical or conceptual case for one model over the other.