Count Regression

Andy Grogan-Kaylor

Count Regression

Andy Grogan-Kaylor

16 Oct 2021

Key Concepts and Commands

\(F(y) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + ...\)

\(y = \ln(count): 1, 2, 3, \text{etc.}\)

The Count

The Count and Friends

Historical Examples of Count Data 🐎 ☎️ πŸ₯

From the Stata documentation:

β€œPoisson regression fits models of the number of occurrences (counts) of an event. The Poisson distribution has been applied to diverse events, such as the number of soldiers kicked to death by horses in the Prussian army (von Bortkiewicz 1898); the pattern of hits by buzz bombs launched against London during World War II (Clarke 1946); telephone connections to a wrong number (Thorndike 1926); and disease incidence, typically with respect to time, but occasionally with respect to space.”

Other Canonical Examples of Count Data πŸŒ³πŸ€’

Poisson Distribution

Theorizing about the Poisson 🐟🐟🐟 🌲🌲🌲

The Poisson distribution is a modified form of the binomial distribution that is useful for the analysis of phenomena characterized by discrete, rare events. For example, in a study of the distribution of a rare plant among a number of quadrats, a majority of plots may contain no specimens, a smaller number a single plant, and still smaller numbers two, three, or more plants. If a single plant per quadrat is expected, the mean Β΅ = 1 and the β€œ0” and β€œ1” classes occur at 37% each, the β€œ2” class at 18%, the β€œ3” class at 6%, and larger classes take up the remaining 2%. The characteristic test for a Poisson is that the variance equals the mean, which in the plant example means that the rare plant is randomly distributed. Note, that, In the distributions above, as the mean \(\mu\) increases towards 10, the distribution approaches normality.

The Poisson may be used to evaluate whether events occur independently in time as well as space. In a classic example, Bortkiewicz (1898) studied the distribution of 122 men kicked to death by horses among ten Prussian army corps over 20 years. In most years in most corps, no one dies from being kicked; in one corp in one year, four men were kicked to death. Does this mean something was amiss in this particular corp? Analysis indicates that the observed frequencies conform quite closely to the expected Poisson frequencies, and that the mean and variance are almost identical, as expected. The corp was just β€œunlucky” in the sense that it is in the extreme tail of an ordinary run of events.

Reprise of Normal Distribution

Normal distribution:

\[ P(x) = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2 \pi}} e^{-(x-\mu)^2/(2 \sigma^2)} \]

Standardized Normal Distribution:

\[ P(z) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi}} e^{-z^2/2} \]

2 parameters:

\[ x \sim N(\mu,\sigma) \]

. clear all // clear all for simulated data
. set obs 1000 // number of observations
Number of observations (_N) was 0, now 1,000.
. generate x = rnormal() // normally distributed random variable
. histogram x, title("Normally Distributed Random Variable") scheme(michigan)
(bin=29, start=-3.0031285, width=.20304677)
. graph export myhistogram.png, width(500) replace
file /Users/agrogan/Desktop/GitHub/newstuff/categorical/count-regression/myhistogram.png saved as
    PNG format

histogram of random normal variable

Poisson Distribution

\[ P(Y=y) = e^{-\lambda} \frac{\lambda^y}{y!} \]

A Poisson with large lambda looks very similar to a normal distribution.

. generate w = rpoisson(.5)
. histogram w, title("Poisson Distributed Random Variable") scheme(michigan)
(bin=29, start=0, width=.13793103)
. graph export myhistogram2.png, width(500) replace
file /Users/agrogan/Desktop/GitHub/newstuff/categorical/count-regression/myhistogram2.png saved
    as PNG format

histogram of random Poisson variable

Poisson is the Natural Form for Observations Distributed in Time or Space πŸ›οΈπŸ›οΈπŸ›οΈ ⏳⏳⏳

\[ x \sim Poisson(\lambda) \]

\(\lambda\) is both mean and variance.

. clear all
. set obs 20
Number of observations (_N) was 0, now 20.
. generate field = _n // field number
. generate mycount = rpoisson(1)
. expand mycount // create individual observations
(9 zero counts ignored; observations not deleted)
(7 observations created)
. generate x = runiform(1,10) // random x coordinate
. generate y =runiform(1,10) // random y coordinate
. generate mylabel = "πŸ¦†"
. twoway scatter y x, ///
> by(field, title("Randomly Located Ducks")) ///
> mlab(mylabel) mlabsize(vlarge) ///
> msymbol(none)  ///
> legend(order(1 "πŸ¦† Duck")) ///
> scheme(michigan) plotr(fcolor(olive_teal))
. graph export ducks.png, width(1000) replace
file /Users/agrogan/Desktop/GitHub/newstuff/categorical/count-regression/ducks.png saved as PNG

Randomly Located Ducks

. generate t = runiform(1,10) // random time coordinate
. generate y2 = runiform(1,2) // random y coordinate
. generate mylabel2 = "πŸ”₯"
. generate timeperiod = field
. twoway scatter y2 t, ///
> by(timeperiod, title("Forest Fires At Random Times", size(vhuge)) cols(10)) ///
> ytitle("", size(zero)) ylabel(none) xtitle("", size(zero)) xlabel(none) ///
> subtitle(, size(vhuge)) ///
> mlab(mylabel2) mlabsize(vhuge) ///
> msymbol(none)  ///
> legend(order(1 "πŸ”₯ Forest Fire")) ///
> scheme(michigan) plotr(fcolor(gs14)) ///
> xsize(5) ysize(1)
. graph export fires.png, width(1000) replace
file /Users/agrogan/Desktop/GitHub/newstuff/categorical/count-regression/fires.png saved as PNG

Forest Fires At Random Times

Poisson Regression

National Survey of Children’s Health (2018)

The data are an extract of the National Survey of Children’s Health, 2018. The data contain information on children’s exposure to various Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and their demographic characteristics.

. clear all
. use "../predict-and-margins-substantive-example/NSCH_ACES.dta", clear
. describe

Contains data from ../predict-and-margins-substantive-example/NSCH_ACES.dta
 Observations:        30,530                  
    Variables:            23                  20 Oct 2020 14:50
Variable      Storage   Display    Value
    name         type    format    label      Variable label
sc_sex          byte    %30.0g     sc_sex_lab
                                              Sex of Selected Child
ace3            byte    %30.0g     ace3_lab   Child Experienced - Parent or Guardian Divorced
ace4            byte    %30.0g     ace4_lab   Child Experienced - Parent or Guardian Died
ace5            byte    %30.0g     ace5_lab   Child Experienced - Parent or Guardian Time in Jail
ace6            byte    %30.0g     ace6_lab   Child Experienced - Adults Slap, Hit, Kick, Punch
ace7            byte    %30.0g     ace7_lab   Child Experienced - Victim of Violence
ace8            byte    %30.0g     ace8_lab   Child Experienced - Lived with Mentally Ill
ace9            byte    %30.0g     ace9_lab   Child Experienced - Lived with Person with
                                                Alcohol/Drug Problem
ace10           byte    %30.0g     ace10_lab
                                              Child Experienced - Treated Unfairly Because of Race
ace1            byte    %30.0g     ace1_lab   Hard to Cover Basics Like Food or Housing
sc_race_r       byte    %48.0g     sc_race_r_lab
                                              Race of Selected Child, Detailed
sc_racer        byte    %31.0g     sc_racer_lab
                                              Race of Selected Child, Recode
higrade         byte    %61.0g     higrade_lab
                                              Highest Level of Education among Reported Adults
depress         byte    %9.0g                 RECODE of k2q32b (Depression Currently)
ace1R           byte    %9.0g                 RECODE of ace1 (Hard to Cover Basics Like Food or
ace3R           byte    %9.0g                 RECODE of ace3 (Child Experienced - Parent or
                                                Guardian Divorced)
ace4R           byte    %9.0g                 RECODE of ace4 (Child Experienced - Parent or
                                                Guardian Died)
ace5R           byte    %9.0g                 RECODE of ace5 (Child Experienced - Parent or
                                                Guardian Time in Jail)
ace6R           byte    %9.0g                 RECODE of ace6 (Child Experienced - Adults Slap, Hit,
                                                Kick, Punch Others)
ace7R           byte    %9.0g                 RECODE of ace7 (Child Experienced - Victim of
ace8R           byte    %9.0g                 RECODE of ace8 (Child Experienced - Lived with
                                                Mentally Ill)
ace9R           byte    %9.0g                 RECODE of ace9 (Child Experienced - Lived with Person
                                                with Alcohol/Drug Problem)
ace10R          byte    %9.0g                 RECODE of ace10 (Child Experienced - Treated Unfairly
                                                Because of Race)
Sorted by: 

Generate Count of Aces

. egen acecount = anycount(ace*R), values(1) // generate count of ACES
. histogram acecount, discrete scheme(michigan)
(start=0, width=1)
. graph export myhistogram3.png, width(1000) replace
file /Users/agrogan/Desktop/GitHub/newstuff/categorical/count-regression/myhistogram3.png saved
    as PNG format

Count of ACEs

Poisson Regression

. poisson acecount sc_sex i.sc_race_r i.higrade

Iteration 0:   log likelihood = -44759.253  
Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -44758.999  
Iteration 2:   log likelihood = -44758.999  

Poisson regression                                     Number of obs =  30,530
                                                       LR chi2(9)    = 2054.20
                                                       Prob > chi2   =  0.0000
Log likelihood = -44758.999                            Pseudo R2     =  0.0224

                        acecount β”‚ Coefficient  Std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
                          sc_sex β”‚   -.012823   .0111291    -1.15   0.249    -.0346357    .0089897
                       sc_race_r β”‚
Black or African American alone  β”‚   .2662761   .0196921    13.52   0.000     .2276802    .3048719
American Indian or Alaska Nat..  β”‚   .5971063   .0447201    13.35   0.000     .5094566     .684756
                    Asian alone  β”‚  -.6243821   .0358521   -17.42   0.000    -.6946509   -.5541134
Native Hawaiian and Other Pac..  β”‚   .2067409   .0969415     2.13   0.033     .0167392    .3967427
          Some Other Race alone  β”‚   .0675521   .0324881     2.08   0.038     .0038765    .1312277
              Two or More Races  β”‚   .2818125   .0190548    14.79   0.000     .2444658    .3191593
                         higrade β”‚
High school (including vocat..)  β”‚   .0632486   .0322397     1.96   0.050       .00006    .1264372
          More than high school  β”‚  -.3786108    .030587   -12.38   0.000    -.4385602   -.3186615
                           _cons β”‚   .3399425   .0345283     9.85   0.000     .2722683    .4076166

Incidence Rate Ratios

. poisson, irr

Poisson regression                                     Number of obs =  30,530
                                                       LR chi2(9)    = 2054.20
                                                       Prob > chi2   =  0.0000
Log likelihood = -44758.999                            Pseudo R2     =  0.0224

                        acecount β”‚        IRR   Std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
                          sc_sex β”‚   .9872589   .0109873    -1.15   0.249     .9659573     1.00903
                       sc_race_r β”‚
Black or African American alone  β”‚   1.305095   .0257001    13.52   0.000     1.255684    1.356451
American Indian or Alaska Nat..  β”‚   1.816854   .0812498    13.35   0.000     1.664386    1.983288
                    Asian alone  β”‚   .5355922   .0192021   -17.42   0.000     .4992487    .5745815
Native Hawaiian and Other Pac..  β”‚   1.229664   .1192054     2.13   0.033      1.01688    1.486973
          Some Other Race alone  β”‚   1.069886   .0347586     2.08   0.038     1.003884    1.140227
              Two or More Races  β”‚    1.32553   .0252577    14.79   0.000     1.276939     1.37597
                         higrade β”‚
High school (including vocat..)  β”‚   1.065292   .0343446     1.96   0.050      1.00006    1.134778
          More than high school  β”‚   .6848121   .0209463   -12.38   0.000     .6449644    .7271216
                           _cons β”‚   1.404867   .0485076     9.85   0.000     1.312939    1.503231
Note: _cons estimates baseline incidence rate.

Negative Binomial Distribution


Due to population heterogeneity (diversity, variation), variance may be \(>\) mean. This is often empirically the case.

\[ \text{var}(y) > \text{mean}(y) \]

\[ y \sim Poisson(\mu) \]

\[ \ln(\mu) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x + \text{offset} + \text{dispersion} + etc. \]

Negative Binomial Regression

. nbreg acecount sc_sex i.sc_race_r i.higrade, irr

Fitting Poisson model:

Iteration 0:   log likelihood = -44759.253  
Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -44758.999  
Iteration 2:   log likelihood = -44758.999  

Fitting constant-only model:

Iteration 0:   log likelihood =   -43591.3  
Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -43392.427  
Iteration 2:   log likelihood = -43391.748  
Iteration 3:   log likelihood = -43391.748  

Fitting full model:

Iteration 0:   log likelihood = -42801.127  
Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -42775.936  
Iteration 2:   log likelihood = -42775.864  
Iteration 3:   log likelihood = -42775.864  

Negative binomial regression                           Number of obs =  30,530
                                                       LR chi2(9)    = 1231.77
Dispersion: mean                                       Prob > chi2   =  0.0000
Log likelihood = -42775.864                            Pseudo R2     =  0.0142

                        acecount β”‚        IRR   Std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
                          sc_sex β”‚   .9873253   .0140708    -0.90   0.371     .9601287    1.015292
                       sc_race_r β”‚
Black or African American alone  β”‚   1.326253   .0350126    10.70   0.000     1.259374    1.396682
American Indian or Alaska Nat..  β”‚   1.864104   .1222717     9.49   0.000     1.639221    2.119839
                    Asian alone  β”‚   .5378757   .0222161   -15.01   0.000     .4960489    .5832294
Native Hawaiian and Other Pac..  β”‚   1.244574   .1624972     1.68   0.094     .9635716    1.607524
          Some Other Race alone  β”‚   1.083969   .0459946     1.90   0.057     .9974679    1.177971
              Two or More Races  β”‚   1.325755   .0336113    11.12   0.000     1.261488    1.393296
                         higrade β”‚
High school (including vocat..)  β”‚    1.06806   .0468996     1.50   0.134      .979983    1.164053
          More than high school  β”‚   .6831897   .0282212    -9.22   0.000     .6300572     .740803
                           _cons β”‚   1.403757   .0647737     7.35   0.000     1.282374    1.536629
                        /lnalpha β”‚  -.5443067   .0239625                     -.5912723   -.4973411
                           alpha β”‚   .5802439   .0139041                      .5536224    .6081455
Note: Estimates are transformed only in the first equation to incidence-rate ratios.
Note: _cons estimates baseline incidence rate.
LR test of alpha=0: chibar2(01) = 3966.27              Prob >= chibar2 = 0.000

Predicted Values

. predict yhat
(option n assumed; predicted number of events)
. histogram yhat, scheme(michigan) 
(bin=44, start=.50284678, width=.05128577)
. graph export myyhats.png, width(1000) replace
file /Users/agrogan/Desktop/GitHub/newstuff/categorical/count-regression/myyhats.png saved as PNG

Predicted Count of ACEs


In some data sets, we will have a years exposed or time exposed variable. It is important to control for this variable.