Logistic Regression Models Are Inherently Interactive

Andy Grogan-Kaylor

30 Jun 2021 09:14:56



In another handout, we have discussed the idea that interactions in logistic regression models require careful interpretation. In this handout, we discuss the idea that, because logistic regression models are inherently non-linear–marginal change depends upon the value of the x’s–logistic regression models may have an interactive quality, even when no interaction is directly specified.

Get Data

. use http://www.stata-press.com/data/r15/margex, clear // simulated data for margins
(Artificial data for margins)

Linear Model With No Interaction


. regress outcome age i.group // linear model with only main effects, no interactions

      Source │       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =     3,000
─────────────┼──────────────────────────────────   F(3, 2996)      =    208.92
       Model │  73.1197372         3  24.3732457   Prob > F        =    0.0000
    Residual │  349.519929     2,996  .116662193   R-squared       =    0.1730
─────────────┼──────────────────────────────────   Adj R-squared   =    0.1722
       Total │  422.639667     2,999  .140926865   Root MSE        =    .34156

     outcome │ Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
         age │   .0099798    .000643    15.52   0.000     .0087191    .0112405
       group │
          2  │  -.1244143   .0152899    -8.14   0.000    -.1543941   -.0944345
          3  │  -.1325247   .0193249    -6.86   0.000    -.1704162   -.0946332
       _cons │  -.1509829   .0316164    -4.78   0.000    -.2129749   -.0889909

Calculate Margins

. margins group, at(age = (20(10)60)) // calculate margins

Adjusted predictions                                     Number of obs = 3,000
Model VCE: OLS

Expression: Linear prediction, predict()
1._at: age = 20
2._at: age = 30
3._at: age = 40
4._at: age = 50
5._at: age = 60

             │            Delta-method
             │     Margin   std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
   _at#group │
        1 1  │   .0486131   .0198096     2.45   0.014     .0097713    .0874549
        1 2  │  -.0758012   .0153896    -4.93   0.000    -.1059765   -.0456258
        1 3  │  -.0839116   .0147861    -5.68   0.000    -.1129036   -.0549196
        2 1  │   .1484111   .0145895    10.17   0.000     .1198048    .1770175
        2 2  │   .0239968    .011409     2.10   0.036     .0016266    .0463671
        2 3  │   .0158864   .0130784     1.21   0.225    -.0097571      .04153
        3 1  │   .2482091   .0107686    23.05   0.000     .2270946    .2693236
        3 2  │   .1237948   .0103038    12.01   0.000     .1035917     .143998
        3 3  │   .1156844   .0143575     8.06   0.000     .0875329    .1438359
        4 1  │   .3480071   .0100871    34.50   0.000     .3282287    .3677855
        4 2  │   .2235928   .0128393    17.41   0.000      .198418    .2487677
        4 3  │   .2154824   .0179975    11.97   0.000     .1801938    .2507711
        5 1  │   .4478051   .0130467    34.32   0.000     .4222237    .4733865
        5 2  │   .3233908   .0174988    18.48   0.000     .2890799    .3577017
        5 3  │   .3152804   .0228989    13.77   0.000     .2703813    .3601795

Plot Margins

. marginsplot, scheme(michigan) // marginsplot

Variables that uniquely identify margins: age group
. graph export mymarginplot1.png, width(500) replace
file /Users/agrogan/Desktop/newstuff/categorical/logistic-inherently-interactive/mymarginplot1.png
    saved as PNG format
Margins Plot From Linear Model With No Interaction

We see that, in accordance with the model that has no interactions, there are parallel regression lines for the different groups.

Logistic Model With No Interaction


. logit outcome age i.group // logistic model with only main effects, no interactions

Iteration 0:   log likelihood = -1366.0718  
Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -1117.4597  
Iteration 2:   log likelihood = -1076.5953  
Iteration 3:   log likelihood = -1075.0192  
Iteration 4:   log likelihood = -1075.0132  
Iteration 5:   log likelihood = -1075.0132  

Logistic regression                                     Number of obs =  3,000
                                                        LR chi2(3)    = 582.12
                                                        Prob > chi2   = 0.0000
Log likelihood = -1075.0132                             Pseudo R2     = 0.2131

     outcome │ Coefficient  Std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
         age │   .0904989    .006473    13.98   0.000     .0778121    .1031857
       group │
          2  │  -.7701431   .1262704    -6.10   0.000    -1.017629   -.5226576
          3  │  -1.723107   .2740705    -6.29   0.000    -2.260275   -1.185938
       _cons │  -5.150287   .3293441   -15.64   0.000     -5.79579   -4.504784

Calculate Margins

. margins group, at(age = (20(10)60)) // calculate margins

Adjusted predictions                                     Number of obs = 3,000
Model VCE: OIM

Expression: Pr(outcome), predict()
1._at: age = 20
2._at: age = 30
3._at: age = 40
4._at: age = 50
5._at: age = 60

             │            Delta-method
             │     Margin   std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
   _at#group │
        1 1  │   .0342139   .0067462     5.07   0.000     .0209916    .0474362
        1 2  │   .0161357   .0030183     5.35   0.000     .0102199    .0220515
        1 3  │   .0062842   .0017771     3.54   0.000     .0028011    .0097672
        2 1  │   .0805187   .0106928     7.53   0.000     .0595612    .1014761
        2 2  │   .0389606   .0052426     7.43   0.000     .0286854    .0492359
        2 3  │   .0153915   .0039878     3.86   0.000     .0075756    .0232074
        3 1  │   .1779452     .01342    13.26   0.000     .1516424    .2042479
        3 2  │   .0910836   .0088552    10.29   0.000     .0737278    .1084394
        3 3  │   .0372035   .0091939     4.05   0.000     .0191838    .0552233
        4 1  │   .3485673   .0149823    23.27   0.000     .3192025     .377932
        4 2  │   .1985334   .0171799    11.56   0.000     .1648614    .2322054
        4 3  │   .0871891   .0211918     4.11   0.000     .0456539    .1287243
        5 1  │   .5694594   .0228297    24.94   0.000     .5247141    .6142047
        5 2  │   .3797765    .033522    11.33   0.000     .3140745    .4454784
        5 3  │     .19101   .0448654     4.26   0.000     .1030754    .2789447

Plot Margins

. marginsplot, scheme(michigan) // marginsplot

Variables that uniquely identify margins: age group
. graph export mymarginplot2.png, width(500) replace
file /Users/agrogan/Desktop/newstuff/categorical/logistic-inherently-interactive/mymarginplot2.png
    saved as PNG format
Margins Plot From Logistic Model With No Interaction

We see that, despite with the model that has no interactions, there are non-parallel (and non-linear) regression lines for the different groups.