Ordinal and Multinomial Logistic Regression

Andy Grogan-Kaylor

Ordinal and Multinomial Logistic Regression

Andy Grogan-Kaylor

15 Oct 2023


Tweet About Ordinal Models
Tweet About Ordinal Models

Key Concepts and Commands

\[ F(y) = \beta_0 + \beta x_1 + \beta x_2 + ... \]

\(y(\text{1, 2, 3, etc.}) = \beta_0 + \beta x_1 + \beta x_2 + ...\)

\(y(\text{2 vs. 1}) = \beta_0 + \beta x_1 + \beta x_2 + ...\)

\(y(\text{3 vs. 1}) = \beta_0 + \beta x_1 + \beta x_2 + ...\)

Get The Data (General Social Survey)

. clear all
. set maxvar 10000 // increase number of allowable variables
. use "GSSsmall.DTA", clear
. keep polviews sex maeduc paeduc age degree coninc
. save GSSsmall.dta, replace
file GSSsmall.dta saved
. describe // describe the data

Contains data from GSSsmall.dta
 Observations:        64,814                  
    Variables:             7                  15 Oct 2023 12:40
Variable      Storage   Display    Value
    name         type    format    label      Variable label
age             byte    %8.0g      AGE        age of respondent
paeduc          byte    %8.0g      LABK       highest year school completed, father
maeduc          byte    %8.0g      LABK       highest year school completed, mother
degree          byte    %8.0g      LABL       r's highest degree
sex             byte    %8.0g      SEX        respondents sex
polviews        byte    %8.0g      POLVIEWS   think of self as liberal or conservative
coninc          double  %12.0g     LABIH      family income in constant dollars
Sorted by: 

Thinking About Your Data and Data Wrangling

It is always good to think about your data and what the values of different variables represent. In Stata, however, there is very little additional data wrangling to prepare the data. In R, there is considerable data wrangling since we have to employ special commands just to get variable and value labels, and to ensure that numeric dependent variables are recoded as factors. In Stata there are no such issues!!!

Descriptive Statistics

. summarize 

    Variable │        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
         age │     64,586    46.09936     17.5347         18         89
      paeduc │     45,837    10.71026    4.342689          0         20
      maeduc │     53,870    10.85365    3.768792          0         20
      degree │     64,641     1.35858    1.175289          0          4
         sex │     64,814    1.558521    .4965673          1          2
    polviews │     55,328    4.100528    1.382474          1          7
      coninc │     58,294    45028.17       36791      350.5     180386
. tabulate polviews

    think of self as
          liberal or
        conservative │      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
   extremely liberal │      1,682        3.04        3.04
             liberal │      6,514       11.77       14.81
    slightly liberal │      7,010       12.67       27.48
            moderate │     21,370       38.62       66.11
slghtly conservative │      8,690       15.71       81.81
        conservative │      8,230       14.87       96.69
extrmly conservative │      1,832        3.31      100.00
               Total │     55,328      100.00

The Ordinal Model (k categories)1

\[ \ln \left( \frac{p(y \le k)}{p(y > k)} \right) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + ... \]

Ordinal Regression

. ologit polviews sex age degree coninc

Iteration 0:  Log likelihood = -83895.058  
Iteration 1:  Log likelihood = -83369.429  
Iteration 2:  Log likelihood = -83368.485  
Iteration 3:  Log likelihood = -83368.485  

Ordered logistic regression                            Number of obs =  50,049
                                                       LR chi2(4)    = 1053.15
                                                       Prob > chi2   =  0.0000
Log likelihood = -83368.485                            Pseudo R2     =  0.0063

    polviews │ Coefficient  Std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
         sex │   -.129234   .0162348    -7.96   0.000    -.1610536   -.0974144
         age │   .0116653   .0004737    24.63   0.000     .0107369    .0125937
      degree │  -.1062661   .0076242   -13.94   0.000    -.1212093    -.091323
      coninc │   3.99e-06   2.42e-07    16.52   0.000     3.52e-06    4.46e-06
       /cut1 │  -3.116098   .0440989                     -3.202531   -3.029666
       /cut2 │  -1.389623   .0379027                     -1.463911   -1.315335
       /cut3 │  -.5941761   .0372164                     -.6671188   -.5212333
       /cut4 │   1.050951    .037438                      .9775742    1.124329
       /cut5 │   1.916652     .03824                      1.841703    1.991601
       /cut6 │   3.826484   .0447146                      3.738845    3.914123

Many commands for regression of categorical dependent variables in R do not provide p values, and an extra step has to be taken to get p values. This is not a problem in Stata!

Exponentiating Coefficients: \(e^\beta\)

. ologit polviews sex age degree coninc, or

Iteration 0:  Log likelihood = -83895.058  
Iteration 1:  Log likelihood = -83369.429  
Iteration 2:  Log likelihood = -83368.485  
Iteration 3:  Log likelihood = -83368.485  

Ordered logistic regression                            Number of obs =  50,049
                                                       LR chi2(4)    = 1053.15
                                                       Prob > chi2   =  0.0000
Log likelihood = -83368.485                            Pseudo R2     =  0.0063

    polviews │ Odds ratio   Std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
         sex │   .8787683   .0142666    -7.96   0.000     .8512464      .90718
         age │   1.011734   .0004792    24.63   0.000     1.010795    1.012673
      degree │   .8991853   .0068555   -13.94   0.000     .8858486    .9127228
      coninc │   1.000004   2.42e-07    16.52   0.000     1.000004    1.000004
       /cut1 │  -3.116098   .0440989                     -3.202531   -3.029666
       /cut2 │  -1.389623   .0379027                     -1.463911   -1.315335
       /cut3 │  -.5941761   .0372164                     -.6671188   -.5212333
       /cut4 │   1.050951    .037438                      .9775742    1.124329
       /cut5 │   1.916652     .03824                      1.841703    1.991601
       /cut6 │   3.826484   .0447146                      3.738845    3.914123
Note: Estimates are transformed only in the first equation to odds ratios.

The Proportional Odds Assumption And The Brant Test

. brant

Brant test of parallel regression assumption

chi2     p>chi2      df
          All │    1456.59      0.000      20
          sex │     108.03      0.000       5
          age │     120.63      0.000       5
       degree │     835.26      0.000       5
       coninc │      67.78      0.000       5

A significant test statistic provides evidence that the parallel
regression assumption has been violated.

The Multinomial Model

\[ \ln \left( \frac{P(y = y_2)}{P(y = y_1)} \right) = \ln \left( \frac{P(y = \text{something else})}{P(y = \text{something})} \right) \]

\[ = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + ... \]

\[ \ln \left( \frac{P(y = y_3)}{P(y = y_1)} \right) = \ln \left( \frac{P(y = \text{something else altogether})}{P(y = \text{something})} \right) \]

\[ = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + ... \]


. mlogit polviews i.sex age degree coninc

Iteration 0:  Log likelihood = -83895.058  
Iteration 1:  Log likelihood = -82700.548  
Iteration 2:  Log likelihood = -82694.595  
Iteration 3:  Log likelihood = -82694.594  

Multinomial logistic regression                        Number of obs =  50,049
                                                       LR chi2(24)   = 2400.93
                                                       Prob > chi2   =  0.0000
Log likelihood = -82694.594                            Pseudo R2     =  0.0143

            polviews │ Coefficient  Std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
extremely_liberal    │
                 sex │
             female  │  -.2153043   .0534275    -4.03   0.000    -.3200202   -.1105883
                 age │  -.0051601   .0015774    -3.27   0.001    -.0082517   -.0020685
              degree │   .3607061   .0234865    15.36   0.000     .3146735    .4067387
              coninc │  -6.68e-06   8.90e-07    -7.51   0.000    -8.43e-06   -4.94e-06
               _cons │   -2.40105   .0904486   -26.55   0.000    -2.578326   -2.223774
liberal              │
                 sex │
             female  │  -.0770042   .0302144    -2.55   0.011    -.1362233   -.0177851
                 age │  -.0077271   .0009041    -8.55   0.000    -.0094991   -.0059551
              degree │   .3615385   .0134905    26.80   0.000     .3350977    .3879794
              coninc │  -2.36e-06   4.59e-07    -5.14   0.000    -3.26e-06   -1.46e-06
               _cons │  -1.195919   .0513843   -23.27   0.000     -1.29663   -1.095207
slightly_liberal     │
                 sex │
             female  │  -.1016619   .0292053    -3.48   0.000    -.1589032   -.0444206
                 age │  -.0099768   .0008799   -11.34   0.000    -.0117014   -.0082521
              degree │   .2358701   .0134562    17.53   0.000     .2094964    .2622438
              coninc │  -1.94e-07   4.37e-07    -0.44   0.658    -1.05e-06    6.63e-07
               _cons │    -.90455   .0494119   -18.31   0.000    -1.001396   -.8077044
moderate             │  (base outcome)
slghtly_conservative │
                 sex │
             female  │  -.2630355   .0270206    -9.73   0.000     -.315995    -.210076
                 age │   .0012542   .0007943     1.58   0.114    -.0003026     .002811
              degree │   .1963805    .012493    15.72   0.000     .1718947    .2208663
              coninc │   3.39e-06   3.86e-07     8.79   0.000     2.63e-06    4.15e-06
               _cons │  -1.221032   .0467118   -26.14   0.000    -1.312585   -1.129479
conservative         │
                 sex │
             female  │  -.2625249   .0278997    -9.41   0.000    -.3172073   -.2078426
                 age │   .0128524    .000801    16.05   0.000     .0112825    .0144224
              degree │    .152561   .0129671    11.77   0.000      .127146     .177976
              coninc │   3.87e-06   3.97e-07     9.75   0.000     3.09e-06    4.65e-06
               _cons │  -1.813802   .0496044   -36.57   0.000    -1.911025   -1.716579
extrmly_conservative │
                 sex │
             female  │  -.3790287   .0530006    -7.15   0.000     -.482908   -.2751493
                 age │   .0150308   .0014834    10.13   0.000     .0121235    .0179381
              degree │    .004062   .0262081     0.15   0.877    -.0473049     .055429
              coninc │   3.35e-07   8.19e-07     0.41   0.682    -1.27e-06    1.94e-06
               _cons │  -3.040997   .0945989   -32.15   0.000    -3.226407   -2.855587

Exponentiating Coefficients

. mlogit, rr

Multinomial logistic regression                        Number of obs =  50,049
                                                       LR chi2(24)   = 2400.93
                                                       Prob > chi2   =  0.0000
Log likelihood = -82694.594                            Pseudo R2     =  0.0143

            polviews │        RRR   Std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
extremely_liberal    │
                 sex │
             female  │   .8062961   .0430784    -4.03   0.000     .7261343    .8953073
                 age │   .9948532   .0015693    -3.27   0.001     .9917823    .9979336
              degree │   1.434342   .0336876    15.36   0.000     1.369812    1.501912
              coninc │   .9999933   8.90e-07    -7.51   0.000     .9999916    .9999951
               _cons │   .0906228   .0081967   -26.55   0.000      .075901       .1082
liberal              │
                 sex │
             female  │    .925886   .0279751    -2.55   0.011     .8726477    .9823721
                 age │   .9923027   .0008971    -8.55   0.000     .9905458    .9940626
              degree │   1.435536   .0193661    26.80   0.000     1.398077    1.473999
              coninc │   .9999976   4.59e-07    -5.14   0.000     .9999967    .9999985
               _cons │   .3024259     .01554   -23.27   0.000     .2734517    .3344702
slightly_liberal     │
                 sex │
             female  │   .9033349   .0263822    -3.48   0.000     .8530789    .9565515
                 age │   .9900729   .0008712   -11.34   0.000     .9883668    .9917818
              degree │    1.26601   .0170357    17.53   0.000     1.233057    1.299843
              coninc │   .9999998   4.37e-07    -0.44   0.658     .9999989    1.000001
               _cons │    .404724   .0199982   -18.31   0.000     .3673664    .4458805
moderate             │  (base outcome)
slghtly_conservative │
                 sex │
             female  │   .7687146   .0207712    -9.73   0.000     .7290631    .8105226
                 age │   1.001255   .0007953     1.58   0.114     .9996975    1.002815
              degree │    1.21699   .0152038    15.72   0.000     1.187553    1.247157
              coninc │   1.000003   3.86e-07     8.79   0.000     1.000003    1.000004
               _cons │   .2949256   .0137765   -26.14   0.000     .2691234    .3232017
conservative         │
                 sex │
             female  │   .7691072   .0214578    -9.41   0.000     .7281798    .8123349
                 age │   1.012935   .0008114    16.05   0.000     1.011346    1.014527
              degree │   1.164814   .0151042    11.77   0.000     1.135583    1.194797
              coninc │   1.000004   3.97e-07     9.75   0.000     1.000003    1.000005
               _cons │   .1630332   .0080872   -36.57   0.000     .1479287    .1796798
extrmly_conservative │
                 sex │
             female  │    .684526   .0362803    -7.15   0.000     .6169866    .7594587
                 age │   1.015144   .0015058    10.13   0.000     1.012197      1.0181
              degree │    1.00407   .0263148     0.15   0.877     .9537966    1.056994
              coninc │          1   8.19e-07     0.41   0.682     .9999987    1.000002
               _cons │   .0477872   .0045206   -32.15   0.000     .0396999    .0575221
Note: _cons estimates baseline relative risk for each outcome.

Predicted Probabilities

. margins sex, predict(outcome(1)) // predicted probabilities by sex; y = 1

Predictive margins                                      Number of obs = 50,049
Model VCE: OIM

Expression: Pr(polviews==extremely_liberal), predict(outcome(1))

             │            Delta-method
             │     Margin   std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
         sex │
       male  │   .0325114    .001187    27.39   0.000     .0301849    .0348378
     female  │   .0295928   .0010205    29.00   0.000     .0275927     .031593

  1. Per Stata documentation.↩︎