Times, Events, and Censoring


Andy Grogan-Kaylor


December 13, 2023

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1 Introduction

Think about a hypothetical event: e.g. birth, death, partnering, marriage or commitment to a partner, entering a program, leaving a program, attaining a degree, first diagnosis of anxiety or depression, etc.

2 Simulate Data

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set.seed(2779) # random seed

N <- 10 # sample size

T <- 10 # number of timepoints

id <- rep(seq(1, N), each = T) # id's 1 to N

x <- rep(rbinom(N, 1, .5), each = T) # random time invariant covariate

t <- rep(seq(1, T), N) # timepoints 1 to T

# random event times

# uniform event times

event_time <- rep(round(runif(N, 3, T), 
                        digits = 0), 
                  each = T)

event <- t >= event_time # event has occurred t >= event_time

event <- factor(event, 
                levels = c(FALSE, TRUE), 
                labels = c("No Event", "Event"))

# arbitrarily censored after 7

censored <- event_time > 7 

censored <- factor(censored, 
                   levels = c(FALSE, TRUE), 
                   labels = c("Not Censored", "Censored"))

# tibble

# data required for animation

mydata <- tibble::tibble(id, x, t, event_time, event, censored)

mydata2 <- mydata %>%
  filter(t == 1) %>%
  select(id, x, event_time, censored)

mydata3 <- mydata %>% 
  filter(t <= event_time)
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write_dta(mydata3, "event-history-multiple-records.dta")

write_dta(mydata2, "event-history-single-record.dta")

3 Animated Graph

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Individuals in the animation below who have not yet experienced an event are indicated by a .

When an event occurs for an individual, the symbol changes to a .

In this simulation, we imagine that the study period ends after time 7, so observations for which the event occurs after time 7 are considered to be censored: i.e. a failure is not observed.

Censored observations (failure not observed) are maize , and non-censored observations (failure observed) are blue .1

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pal <- c("#00274C", "#FFCB05") # color palette

p2 <- plot_ly(data = mydata, # use mydata
              x = ~t, # x is t (time)
              y = ~id, # y is id
              frame = ~t, # frames based on t (time)
              text = ~paste("Event:" ,
              type = 'scatter',
              mode = 'marker',
              color = ~censored, # color is censored (yes / no)
              colors = pal, # use color palette
              symbol = ~as.numeric(event), # symbol is event (occurred / not occurred)
              symbols = c('circle', # event not occurred
                          'x'), # event
              marker = list(size = 15)) %>% # marker size
  layout(title = 'Hypothetical Timing of Events \nCensored at Time 7',
         shapes = list(type='line', # censoring line
                       x0 = 7, 
                       x1 = 7, 
                       y0 = 0, 
                       y1 = 10, 
                                 color = "red"))) %>%

p2 # replay

4 What These Data Look Like


  1. Note that the language of survival analysis comes from medical studies of time until death, and engineering studies of mechanical failure. So surviving refers to surviving until the event of interest occurs, and failure means that the event of interest is observed during the study period. Censored means that the event of interest is not observed during the study period.↩︎