2 Introduction
“Sure, it’s hard to get started; remember learning to use knife and fork? Dig in: you’ll never reach bottom. It’s not like it’s the end of the world–just the world as you think you know it.” (Dove, 1999)
“Listening to the world. Well, I did that, and I still do it. I still do it.” (Oliver & Tippett, 2015)
2.2 Some Philosophy of Science
I am not much of a philosopher of science. However, I am very persuaded by Strevens’ (2020) minimalist criterion of the “iron rule”. In essence, this rule specifies that to count as “science”, investigations must engage in “performing an experiment or making an observation that generates relevant empirical evidence” against which competing hypotheses can be tested. A similar perspective is offered by Goldacre (2011) who argues that ideas about interventions should be scrutinized with a “fair test”. That is to say, they should be tested against evidence that can support or refute those ideas. I would argue all ideas about promoting human well-being should be able to be subjected to such a “fair test”.
I believe that our work—whether qualitative, or quantitative—should strive to be both critical and scientific, in the sense that: our research should gather evidence; that evidence should be assessed in order to support, refute, or modify our initial beliefs; and that evidence should be used to think critically about human wellbeing, including dynamics of power and privilege and disparities. With regard to this idea, Shrader-Frechette (2014) suggests that a “practical philosophy of science” can contribute both to “speaking truth to power” and to “seeking justice”.
2.3 A Pragmatic Approach
This document will discuss the ways in which a multilevel statistical perspective not only allows one to appropriately analyze cross cultural or international data, but also the ways in which a multilevel perspective affords the opportunity for more precise quantitative thinking about cross cultural phenomena. The document takes a very pragmatic and very advocacy oriented approach to improving research.
“It shouldn’t be theories that define the problems of our situation, but rather the problems that demand, and so to speak, select, their own theorisation.” (Martin-Baro (1998) in Burton & Kagan (2005)).
“What we see and how we see is of course determined by our perspective, by the place from which we begin our examination of history; but it is determined also by reality itself.” (Martin-Baro, 1994b)
Following from this pragmatic and advocacy oriented emphasis, the document is largely oriented to the doing of quantitative social research with multilevel (or multi-country) data, and is therefore mostly statistical in nature.
The document moves quickly into detailed statistical arguments. Some of these statistical discussions may seem very technical, or even overly technical. However, an overarching theme of the document is that multilevel data contains hidden complexities. A lack of awareness of the complexities of multilevel data—e.g. complexities of multi-country data—might lead to statistical analyses that point in the wrong direction: yielding false positives; false negatives; or substantively wrong conclusions.
2.5 Presenting Advanced Statistical Ideas
In presenting advanced, statistical concepts, one is faced with a quandary. One can present statistical concepts in the most general terms, in terms of x and y. While perhaps the mathematically most general way to present ideas, a highly general (and abstract) presentation risks not being a good way of teaching the ideas, as it is sometimes difficult to apply abstract ideas to one’s own specific area of research.
Alternatively, one can present statistical ideas in terms of specific substantive concepts. The risk of making use of a specific substantive concept is that while concrete examples are always helpful, it may be difficult for the reader to generalize from a specific example to their own area of research.
I ground this presentation in research that we have conducted on parenting and child development in international context (Grogan-Kaylor et al., 2021; Ma et al., 2022; Pace et al., 2019; Ward, Grogan-Kaylor, Pace, et al., 2021; Ward, Grogan-Kaylor, Ma, et al., 2021; Ward et al., 2022). For the presentation in this document, I use simulated data on these issues.
Using the simulated data, I refer to predictors and outcomes, and explore the ways that the multilevel model can contribute to understanding how relationships between predictors and outcomes might be similar, or might be different, across social contexts. In the examples presented below, I focus on two predictors, parental warmth, and parental use of physical punishment and focus on the outcome of improved mental health. I use the social context of different countries in our example.
It is my belief that while I use this specific set of examples, that the idea of studying families in different countries is generalizable enough to a multiplicity of diverse contexts, such that the reader can apply these ideas to their own area of interest, whether that be children in schools; residents in neighborhoods; or people in different countries.
2.6 Research on Parenting and Child Development in International Context
Research on parenting and child development has identified robust associations between parenting behaviors and child developmental outcomes. Broadly speaking, physical punishment is associated with increases in child aggression, child anxiety and child mental health problems (Gershoff & Grogan-Kaylor, 2016b), while warm and supportive parenting is associated with decreases in these outcomes (Khaleque & Rohner, 2002; Rothenberg et al., 2022). However, much of this research is conducted on North American samples (Draper et al., 2022; Henrich et al., 2010).
Barth & Olsen (2020) have argued, that children constitute a class of oppressed persons. If children are oppressed, then it is imperative to empirically determine what factors are promotive of children’s well-being, and what factors constitute risk factors that contribute to decreases in children’s well-being. Equally imperative–given the North American focus of so much research on parenting and child development (Draper et al., 2022; Henrich et al., 2010)–would be efforts to extend the study of parenting and child development to a broader, more global context. As part of such a research agenda, it is necessary to have quantitative tools that are able to determine the consistency of relationships in parenting and child development. That is, are the relationships between certain forms of parenting and child developmental outcomes, largely consistent across countries, largely different across countries, or somewhere in between?
2.7 Universalism And Particularity
“My conception of the universal is that of a universal enriched by all that is particular, a universal enriched by every particular: the deepening and coexistence of all particulars.” (Cesaire, 1956)
The specific domain of cross-cultural research on parenting and child development raises more general questions in cross-cultural research of universalism and particularity. With regard to child development it is universal that all children need some amount of emotional and material care to grow into healthy youth and healthy adults (Kottak, 2021). Further it is broadly understood that children should be protected from violence (UNICEF, 2014). This broad consensus is manifested in such documents as the Convention on the Rights of the Child (United Nations General Assembly, 1989) and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (United Nations, 2022), representing global efforts to ensure the children are cared for, and are protected against violence.
At the same time, broad international efforts to improve children’s well-being must engage with important considerations of cultural uniqueness. Put simply, parenting practices may vary widely between cultural groups (Gottlieb, 2002). Further, what is considered to be beneficial for children in one country or culture may not be considered to be beneficial in all countries or cultures. Similarly, what is considered to be detrimental in one country or culture may not equally be considered to be detrimental in all. Within the area of parenting and child development, most of the debate has focused around the question of whether physical punishment is equally detrimental in all settings, particularly whether physical punishment is detrimental in countries where it is especially common, or normative (Gershoff et al., 2010). Much less attention has been focused on the study of positive parenting internationally, and the degree to which the outcomes of positive parenting are consistent across countries remains understudied (Ward, Grogan-Kaylor, Ma, et al., 2021).
However, as global initiatives to improve child well-being and family life move forward, it becomes increasingly important to continue to collect internationally relevant data about parenting and child outcomes. If recommendations are to be made for policies, interventions, or treatments, such recommendations must be based on accurate balancing of that which is universal against that which is unique to particular cultural contexts. Thus it is necessary to employ statistical methods that are able to adequately and accurately analyze data across countries.
As I will outline below–and is evident in the literature (Kreft & de Leeuw, 1998; Luke, 2004; Rabe-Hesketh & Skrondal, 2022; Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002; Singer & Willett, 2003)–multilevel models are eminently suited for cross-cultural research in that they are not only able to control for the clustering of study participants within countries, but are also able to explore the variation–or consistency–of patterns of social life across countries.