Spaghetti Plot Demo

Andy Grogan-Kaylor

1 Mar 2023

Get Data

This example uses data from

. use, clear
. label variable ses "Socioeconomic Status" // correct spelling of variable label

Basic Spaghetti Plot

. spagplot math ses, id(schid) 
. graph export graph1.png, width(1500) replace
file /Users/agrogan/Desktop/GitHub/multilevel/spaghetti-plot/Stata/graph1.png saved as
    PNG format
Basic Spaghetti Plot

Add Better Scheme

Schemes are very helpful in making better looking Stata graphs. A useful Stata scheme is s1color. Useful user written schemes are lean2, plottig (type findit lean2 or findit plottig to install these), and my own Michigan Stata graph scheme.

. spagplot math ses, id(schid) ///
> scheme(michigan) ///
> title("Spaghetti Plot of Math Score By SES") ///
> note(" ") // blank "note" since title explains this graph
. graph export graph2.png, width(1500) replace
file /Users/agrogan/Desktop/GitHub/multilevel/spaghetti-plot/Stata/graph2.png saved as
    PNG format
Spaghetti Plot With Better Options

Now Try twoway Syntax

. twoway lfit math ses, scheme(michigan) title("Math Score By SES")
. graph export graph3.png, width(1500) replace
file /Users/agrogan/Desktop/GitHub/multilevel/spaghetti-plot/Stata/graph3.png saved as
    PNG format
Initial twoway Graph

Separate Panels For Schools

This ONLY works well with a limited number of schools.

. twoway lfit math ses, scheme(michigan) by(schid, title("Math Score By SES")) 
. graph export graph4.png, width(1000) replace
file /Users/agrogan/Desktop/GitHub/multilevel/spaghetti-plot/Stata/graph4.png saved as
    PNG format
Separate Panels For Schools

Separate Panels For Schools With Scatterplots

. twoway (lfit math ses) ///
> (scatter math ses, mcolor(gs7%30)), /// color gs7 @ 30% transparency
> scheme(michigan) by(schid, title("Math Score By SES"))
. graph export graph5.png, width(1000) replace
file /Users/agrogan/Desktop/GitHub/multilevel/spaghetti-plot/Stata/graph5.png saved as
    PNG format
Separate Panels For Schools With Scatterplots

“Model Based” Spaghetti Plot

A sometimes unacknowledged point is that spaghetti plots–unless we take steps to correct this–reflect unadjusted, or bivariate associations.

We may sometimes wish to develop a spaghetti plot that reflects the adjusted estimates from our models.

To do this we first estimate a multilevel model.

. mixed math ses meanses || schid: // multilevel model; random intercept; no random effect
> s

Performing EM optimization: 

Performing gradient-based optimization: 

Iteration 0:   log likelihood = -1871.9169  
Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -1871.9169  

Computing standard errors:

Mixed-effects ML regression                     Number of obs     =        519
Group variable: schid                           Number of groups  =         23
                                                Obs per group:
                                                              min =          5
                                                              avg =       22.6
                                                              max =         67
                                                Wald chi2(2)      =      69.58
Log likelihood = -1871.9169                     Prob > chi2       =     0.0000

        math │ Coefficient  Std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
         ses │    3.88476   .6096853     6.37   0.000     2.689799    5.079722
     meanses │   3.281962   1.464135     2.24   0.025     .4123106    6.151614
       _cons │   51.48904   .7582764    67.90   0.000     50.00284    52.97523

  Random-effects parameters  │   Estimate   Std. err.     [95% conf. interval]
schid: Identity              │
                  var(_cons) │   8.931927   3.813085      3.868681    20.62184
               var(Residual) │   75.21885   4.778177      66.41333    85.19187
LR test vs. linear model: chibar2(01) = 25.58         Prob >= chibar2 = 0.0000

NB that this is a model with only a random intercept, \(u_0\) and no random slopes e.g. \(u_1\), etc….

“Simple” Predicted Values

. predict yhat
(option xb assumed)
. spagplot yhat ses, id(schid) scheme(michigan)
. graph export graph6A.png, width(1500) replace
file /Users/agrogan/Desktop/GitHub/multilevel/spaghetti-plot/Stata/graph6A.png saved as
    PNG format
Spaghetti Plot With Predicted Values

“Model Based” Predicted Values

The spaghetti plots so far give an indication of different slopes per school. Below we outline a procedure for (a) developing a spaghetti plot of adjusted estimates; and (b) ensuring that the plot reflects the exact structure of the model e.g. random intercept only, or random intercept + random slope(s).

To carry out this procedure we employ the _b notation in Stata. For example, _b[_cons] indicates the intercept of the model while _b[ses] indicates the slope attached to ses.

We need to carry out a few preliminary calculations.

  1. Estimate (predict) the random effect(s).
  2. Estimate the mean values (summarize) of variables that we are going to hold constant.
  3. Generate predicted values (\(\hat y\)) using the _b notation (generate yhat = ...).
  4. Graph the spaghetti plot (twoway connect).

Estimate The Random Effects

. mixed math ses meanses || schid: // multilevel model; random intercept; no random effect
> s

Performing EM optimization: 

Performing gradient-based optimization: 

Iteration 0:   log likelihood = -1871.9169  
Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -1871.9169  

Computing standard errors:

Mixed-effects ML regression                     Number of obs     =        519
Group variable: schid                           Number of groups  =         23
                                                Obs per group:
                                                              min =          5
                                                              avg =       22.6
                                                              max =         67
                                                Wald chi2(2)      =      69.58
Log likelihood = -1871.9169                     Prob > chi2       =     0.0000

        math │ Coefficient  Std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
         ses │    3.88476   .6096853     6.37   0.000     2.689799    5.079722
     meanses │   3.281962   1.464135     2.24   0.025     .4123106    6.151614
       _cons │   51.48904   .7582764    67.90   0.000     50.00284    52.97523

  Random-effects parameters  │   Estimate   Std. err.     [95% conf. interval]
schid: Identity              │
                  var(_cons) │   8.931927   3.813085      3.868681    20.62184
               var(Residual) │   75.21885   4.778177      66.41333    85.19187
LR test vs. linear model: chibar2(01) = 25.58         Prob >= chibar2 = 0.0000
. predict u0, reffects

Estimate the Mean Values of Relevant Variables

. summarize meanses

    Variable │        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
     meanses │        519   -.0012717    .6206429    -1.0685    1.17625

The mean of meanses is -0.00127.

Estimate Predicted Values

We are using \(\beta_0\), the random intercept \(u_0\), \(\beta_{ses}\) multiplied by the actual value of ses, and \(\beta_{meanses}\) multiplied by the mean of meanses.

. generate yhat2 = _b[_cons] + u0 + _b[ses] * ses + _b[ses] * -.0012717 

Graph The Spaghetti Plot

. twoway scatter yhat2 ses, scheme(michigan)
. graph export graph6B.png, width(1500) replace
file /Users/agrogan/Desktop/GitHub/multilevel/spaghetti-plot/Stata/graph6B.png saved as
    PNG format
Initial “Model Based” Spaghetti Plot

We still have a small amount of work to do to make this look more “spaghetti plot like”.

We are going to use twoway connect to create connected line plots. We employ option c(L) to ensure that only ascending values are connected: i.e. each Level 2 unit has their own regression line. For c(L) to work properly we are going to need to sort the data by school and ses. Lastly, we’re going to change the msymbol so that we do not see dots, but only lines.

. sort schid ses // sort on Level 2 units and x values
. twoway connect yhat2 ses, ///
> lcolor("0 39 76") /// Michigan blue for connecting lines
> title("Model Based Spaghetti Plot") /// title
> xtitle("Socioeconomic Status") /// title for x axis
> ytitle("Model Predicted Values") /// title for y axis
> c(L) /// connect only ascending values
> msymbol(none) /// no marker symbol; only lines
> scheme(michigan) // michigan scheme
. graph export graph7.png, width(1500) replace
file /Users/agrogan/Desktop/GitHub/multilevel/spaghetti-plot/Stata/graph7.png saved as
    PNG format
Finalized “Model Based” Spaghetti Plot