Andy Grogan-Kaylor
Andy Grogan-Kaylor
18 Jun 2021
“Survival analysis is a key technique in data-driven decision-making, which is now central to public interest because of COVID-19. Applying the correct technique for the specific question at hand is crucial for credible public health inferences. If you are interested in assessing how a risk factor or a potential treatment affects the progression of a disease—such as how long a patient takes to recover—then survival analysis techniques come into play. Survival analysis deeply respects the ultimate source of its data, often the disease experience or even the life and death of human patients. It seeks to exploit every last drop of information that this experience can render for saving lives—in particular, not only whether patients survived, but how long, and why. And it strives to do so with minimal assumptions, so that the data are truly driving the decision.”
—SAS Corporation
WHO CARES how we measure time? Isn’t it self-evident?
Implementations differ; formulas are our friends
\(h(t) = x1 + x2 + \text{etc.} ...\): formula (effect on hazard (instantaneous rate of occurrence))
Imagine a Hypothetical Hospital
Imagine that there are 52 patients total.
51 of the patients are long term patients, who each stay for 1 year.
1 of the patients is a short term patient, who stays for 1 week.
Is this a hospital that serves mostly long-term, or short term patients?
. twoway (scatter id weeks if weeks == 52, msize(small)) /// staying 52 weeks
> (scatter id weeks if weeks == 1, msize(small)), /// staying 1 week
> title("Hypothetical Hospital") ///
> legend(on order(1 "long term" 2 "short term")) ///
> xtitle("week of discharge") ///
> ylabel(1(1)52, labels labsize(tiny) angle(horizontal) noticks nogrid) ///
> scheme(michigan)
. graph export hospital_bed_problem.png, width(1000) replace
> roblem.png saved as PNG format
Illustration of Hospital Bed Problem
. twoway (scatter id time if censored == 0) ///
> (scatter id time if censored == 1), ///
> title("Hypothetical Timing of Events") ///
> subtitle("Think About Different Kinds of Events") ///
> note("Study Ends At Time 75") ///
> legend(on order(1 "not censored" 2 "censored")) ///
> xline(75, lcolor("red")) /// censoring line at 75
> ylabel(1(1)25, labsize(vsmall) angle(horizontal)) /// lines from 1 to 25
> scheme(michigan)
. graph export timing_of_events.png, width(1000) replace
> ts.png saved as PNG format
Timing Of Events
\[ \ln(\frac{P(\text{event})}{1-P(\text{event})}) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2 + e_i \]
\[ \text{time until event} = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2 x_2 + e_i \]
. Loss of information if using complete cases. Possible bias.time of censoring
. Possible bias. They might never happen. They might happen much later.\[ h(t) = \lim_{\delta\to 0} \frac{\text{probability of having an event before time } t + \delta}{\delta} \]
This definition per Johnson & Shih (2007)
\[ h(t) = \lim_{\Delta t \to 0} \frac{P(t \le T < t + \Delta t | T > t)}{\Delta t} \]
This definition per Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research (2020)
From LaDonna Pavetti (1995)
. list, abbreviate(25) // list out the data
│ time new_entrants all_current_recipients │
1. │ 1-12 27.4 4.5 │
2. │ 13-24 14.8 4.8 │
3. │ 25-36 10 4.9 │
4. │ 37-48 7.7 5 │
5. │ 49-60 5.5 4.5 │
6. │ Over 60 34.6 76.3 │
. graph bar (asis) all_current_recipients, /// this particular set of options was difficult to figur
> e out!
> asyvars ///
> over(time) ///
> title("All Current Recipients") ///
> sub("By Months On Caseload") ///
> ytitle("percent") ///
> scheme(michigan)
. graph export all_current_recipients.png, width(1000) replace
> cipients.png saved as PNG format
All Current Recipients by Months on Caseload
. graph bar (asis) new_entrants, ///
> asyvars ///
> over(time) ///
> title("New Recipients") ///
> sub("By Months On Caseload") ///
> ytitle("percent") ///
> scheme(michigan)
. graph export new_recipients.png, width(1000) replace
> .png saved as PNG format
New Recipients by Months on Caseload
Music To Die For
Musician Mortality
Johnson, L. L., & Shih, J. H. (2007). CHAPTER 20 - An Introduction to Survival Analysis (J. I. Gallin & F. P. Ognibene, eds.).
Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research (2020). Event History Analysis, Survival Analysis, Duration Analysis ,Transition Data Analysis, Hazard Rate Analysis. Oslo, Norway.