Can Stata Make A Beautiful Graph?


Andy Grogan-Kaylor


January 29, 2025

Introduction 🌲

There is sometimes a debate–shall we say–about whether Stata can make beautiful graphs, particularly in comparison to using ggplot in R. Below, I try to use as many of Stata’s options as I can to make a beautiful graph. I believe that this Stata graph comes close to being as beautiful of a graph as would be made by ggplot (and perhaps the syntax is a little more intuitive).

I use green and gold since they are common colors for forestry and park signage.

Data Source 🌲

The data used in this example are derived from the R package Functions and Datasets for “Forest Analytics with R”.

According to the documentation, the source of these data are: “von Guttenberg’s Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst) tree measurement data.”

Old Tjikko, a 9,550 Year Old Norway Spruce in Sweden

Old Tjikko, a 9,550 Year Old Norway Spruce in Sweden

The documentation goes on to further note that:

“The data are measures from 107 trees. The trees were selected as being of average size from healthy and well stocked stands in the Alps.”

use "", clear

A Simple Graph 🌲

The default graphing scheme in Stata 18 is much improved over previous versions, and the below graph may be very good for many purposes.

use gutten.dta

twoway (scatter height age_base) (mspline height age_base)
graph export gutten0.svg, width(2000) replace

graph export gutten0.png, width(2000) replace

A Simple Graph of the Gutten Trees

A Simple Graph of the Gutten Trees

A Beautiful Graph 🌲

Below please find an admittedly complicated graph command. Note, however, that the graph builds upon basic ideas that we want a twoway graph, with a scatterplot and a mspline (median spline) smoother. Everything else is just an option to improve the appearance of the graph.

I make extensive use of the /// notation which allows me to spread the graph along multiple lines.

use gutten.dta

twoway /// two way graph
(scatter height age_base, /// scatterplot
mcolor(dkgreen%25) msymbol(circle) msize(large)) /// dark green transparent markers
(mspline height age_base, /// median spline 
lcolor(gold) lwidth(thick)), /// gold line
title("Tree Height by Tree Age") /// title
xtitle("Tree Age") /// title for x axis
ytitle("Tree Height") /// title for y axis
caption("Gutten Tree Data") /// caption
legend(order(1 "trees" 2 "median spline") position(6) rows(1)) /// better labels and format for legend
aspectratio(1) // better aspect ratio

graph export gutten.png, width(2000) replace
graph export gutten.svg, width(2000) replace

A Beautiful? Graph of the Gutten Trees

A Beautiful? Graph of the Gutten Trees