Telling Stories With Data: Comparing Program Outcomes with ggplot2


Andy Grogan-Kaylor


January 16, 2024


ggplot2 is a powerful graphing library that can make beautiful graphs. ggplot2 can also help us to understand ideas of an underlying “grammar of graphics”.

However, ggplot can be difficult to learn. I am thinking that one way to better understand ggplot2 might be to see how this graphing library could be applied to a concrete example of comparing program outcomes.

In this example, program is a factor and mental health at time 2 is numeric.

Load the Simulated Social Service Agency Data

Show the code
load("social-service-agency.RData") # simulated data

The mental health variables are scaled to have an average of 100. Lower numbers indicate lower mental health, while higher numbers indicate higher mental health.

Show the code
DT::datatable(clients) %>%
  formatRound(columns = c('age', 

Load the Library

Show the code
library(ggplot2) # beautiful graphs

First Approach (x is program; y is mental health)

There is a lot of code below. This is where we are setting up the grammatical logic of the graphing approach.

Devoting some time to setting up the initial logic of the plot will pay dividends in terms of exploring multiple geometries later on.

Note that I am adding optional scale_... and theme... arguments just to make the graphs look a little nicer, but these are not an essential part of the code.

Show the code
myplot1 <- ggplot(clients, # the data I am using
                 aes(x = program, # x is program
                     y = mental_health_T2, # y is mental health
                     color = program, # color is also program
                     fill = program)) + # fill is also program
  labs(y = "mental health at time 2") + # labels
  scale_color_viridis_d() + # beautiful colors
  scale_fill_viridis_d() + # beautiful fills
  theme_minimal() + # minimal theme
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = rel(.75))) # smaller labels

Add Geometries That Show The Average

Now that we have devoted a lot of code to setting up the grammar of the graph, it is a relatively simple matter to try out different geometries. The geometries show the average value.

Bar Chart

Show the code
myplot1 + 
  stat_summary(fun = "mean", # summarize at mean
               geom = "bar") + # bar geometry 
  labs(title = "Bar Chart")

Bar Chart

Bar Chart

Horizontal Bar Chart

Show the code
myplot1 + 
  stat_summary(fun = "mean", # summarize at mean
               geom = "bar") + # bar geometry 
  coord_flip() + # flip coordinates
  labs(title = "Horizontal Bar Chart")

Horizontal Bar Chart

Horizontal Bar Chart

Point Chart

Show the code
myplot1 + 
  stat_summary(fun = "mean", # summarize at mean
               geom = "point", size = 5) + # point geometry
  labs(title = "Point Chart") +
  ylim(90, 105) # manually adjust y limits

Point Chart

Point Chart

“Lollipop” Chart

The segments connecting the x axis with the points, require their own geometry that has its own aesthetic.

Show the code
myplot1 + 
  stat_summary(fun = "mean", 
               geom = "point", 
               size = 5) +
  geom_segment(aes(x = program, # x starts at
                   xend = program, # x ends at
                   y = 0, # y starts at
                   yend = mean(mental_health_T2))) + # y ends at
  labs(title = "Lollipop Chart") +
  ylim(0, 105) # manually adjust y limits

Lollipop Chart

Lollipop Chart

Line Chart

An extra element of the aesthetic is required for lines.

Show the code
myplot1 + 
  stat_summary(aes(group = 1), # line geom needs group aesthetic  
               color = "black", # consistent color
               fun = "mean", 
               geom = "line") +
  labs(title = "Line Chart")

Line Chart

Line Chart

A line chart is likely not an appropriate way to show these program outcomes as a line chart is more appropriate when the x axis represents some kind of time trend.

Add Geometries That Show the Distribution

Now that we have devoted a lot of code to setting up the grammar of the graph, it is a relatively simple matter to try out different geometries. The geometries show the distribution of all values.


Show the code
myplot1 + 
  geom_boxplot(fill="white") + # boxplot geometry
  labs(title = "Boxplot")



Violin Plot

Show the code
myplot1 + 
  geom_violin() + # violinplot geometry
  labs(title = "Violin Plot")

Violin Plot

Violin Plot


Show the code
myplot1 + 
  geom_point() + # point geometry
  labs(title = "Points")



Jittered Points

Show the code
myplot1 + 
  geom_jitter() + # jittered point geometry
  labs(title = "Jittered Points")

Jittered Points

Jittered Points

Beeswarm Plot

Show the code
library(ggbeeswarm) # beeswarm geometry

myplot1 + 
  geom_beeswarm() + # beeswarm geometry
  labs(title = "Beeswarm Plot")

Beeswarm Plot

Beeswarm Plot


Show the code
library(ggdist) # dotplot geometry

myplot1 +
  stat_dots() + # dotplot geometry
  labs(title = "Dotlot")



Second Approach (x is mental health; facet wrap on program)

Again, there is a lot of code below. This is where we are setting up the grammatical logic of the graphing approach.

Show the code
myplot2 <- ggplot(clients, # the data I am using
                  aes(x = mental_health_T2, # x is mental health
                      fill = program)) + # fill is program
  facet_wrap(~program) + # facet on this variable
  labs(x = "mental health at time 2") + # labels
  scale_color_viridis_d() + # beautiful colors
  scale_fill_viridis_d() + # beautiful fills
  theme_bw() # bw theme makes facets more clear

Add Geometries

However, now that we have devoted a lot of code to setting up the grammar of the graph, it is again a relatively simple matter to try out different geometries.


Show the code
myplot2 + 
  geom_histogram() + # histogram geometry
  labs(title = "Histogram")




Show the code
myplot2 + 
  geom_density() + # density geometry
  labs(title = "Density")



Third Approach (x is mental health; transparent geometries)

One last time, there is a lot of code below. This is where we are setting up the grammatical logic of the graphing approach.

Show the code
myplot3 <- ggplot(clients, # the data I am using
                  aes(x = mental_health_T2, # x is mental health
                      fill = program)) + # fill is program
  labs(x = "mental health at time 2") + # labels
  scale_color_viridis_d() + # beautiful colors
  scale_fill_viridis_d() + # beautiful fills
  theme_minimal() # minimal theme

Add Geometries

And again, now that we have devoted a lot of code to setting up the grammar of the graph, it is again a relatively simple matter to try out different geometries.1


Show the code
myplot3 + 
  geom_histogram(alpha = .5) + # histogram geometry (transparent)




Show the code
myplot3 + 
  geom_density(alpha = .5) + # density geometry (transparent)
  labs(title = "Density")




  1. It is important to use (alpha = ...) to create transparency with these geoms.↩︎