"clients.csv", clear // import data
import delimited
graph bar mental_health_t2, /// bar graph of mean outcome
over(program) /// over program
// bars that have color asyvars
Andy Grogan-Kaylor
January 28, 2025
Both R and Stata are programs with strong data visualization and analysis capabilities. However, Stata’s capabilities as a data visualization program are sometimes under-rated. The intent of the post is to show that Stata can often perform the same graphing task as R, with much simpler, and much more intuitive, command syntax.
This post uses simulated social service agency data clients. In each program, I am going to graph mental health of clients (at Time 2) by program.
library(readr) # library to import data
clients <- read_csv("clients.csv") # import data
library(ggplot2) # library for graphs
ggplot(clients, # the data that I am using
aes(x = program, # 'aesthetic' includes x
y = mental_health_T2, # and y
fill = program)) + # and fill by program
stat_summary(fun = mean, # summarizing y
geom = "bar") + # with bars
theme_minimal() # minimal theme