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library(WDI) # for accessing World Bank data
library(dplyr) # data wrangling
The World Bank collects statistical information from countries around the world. A particularly useful data set is the World Development Indicators (WDI) which are country level statistical information from around the world.
Using library(WDI)
you can download indicator data directly from the World Bank and read it into a data set.
# get names of specific indicators from WDI Data Catalog
WorldBankData <- WDI(country="all",
indicator=c("SI.POV.GINI", # Gini
"SE.ADT.LITR.ZS", # adult literacy
"SP.DYN.LE00.IN", # life expectancy
"SP.POP.TOTL", # population
"SN.ITK.DEFC.ZS"), # undernourishment
start = 2023,
end = 2023,
extra = TRUE)
save(WorldBankData, file="WorldBankData.RData")
# think about renaming some variables with more intuitive names
# e.g....
# rename some variables with dplyr (just copy and paste your indicators)
WorldBankData <- dplyr::rename(WorldBankData,
adult_literacy = SE.ADT.LITR.ZS,
life_expectancy = SP.DYN.LE00.IN,
population = SP.POP.TOTL,
undernourishment = SN.ITK.DEFC.ZS)
save(WorldBankData, file="WorldBankData.RData")
country iso2c iso3c year status lastupdated Gini GDP
1 Afghanistan AF AFG 2023 2024-10-24 NA NA
2 Africa Eastern and Southern ZH AFE 2023 2024-10-24 NA 1672.506
3 Africa Western and Central ZI AFW 2023 2024-10-24 NA 1584.333
4 Albania AL ALB 2023 2024-10-24 NA 8367.776
5 Algeria DZ DZA 2023 2024-10-24 NA 5260.206
6 American Samoa AS ASM 2023 2024-10-24 NA NA
adult_literacy life_expectancy population undernourishment
1 NA NA 42239854 NA
2 73.27511 NA 739108306 NA
3 60.50555 NA 502789511 NA
4 NA NA 2745972 NA
5 NA NA 45606480 NA
6 NA NA 43914 NA
region capital longitude latitude income
1 South Asia Kabul 69.1761 34.5228 Low income
2 Aggregates Aggregates
3 Aggregates Aggregates
4 Europe & Central Asia Tirane 19.8172 41.3317 Upper middle income
5 Middle East & North Africa Algiers 3.05097 36.7397 Lower middle income
6 East Asia & Pacific Pago Pago -170.691 -14.2846 Upper middle income
2 Aggregates
3 Aggregates
6 Not classified