Show the code
library(tidygeocoder) # geocoding
library(dplyr) # for %>% operator
library(readr) # import CSV
library(DT) # nice tables
ArcGIS geocoding has LOW success rate with this data. You will want to find a process with HIGH success rate.
You could also try batchgeo -> KML -> Latitude/Longitude
Passing 3 addresses to the ArcGIS single address geocoder
Query completed in: 1.6 seconds
NB that for whatever reason–perhaps because there is no address information–the geocoder has made a mistake: Agency Z has been placed in the Southern Hemisphere. Geocoding can be an error prone process and requires careful inspection of your tabular and mapped data.
A geocoder may also be unable to geocode some of your data. Low success rates are not uncommon, and you may have to work hard to ensure that the majority, or all, of your data are geocoded.
Geocoded data can then be mapped using procedures outlined in Chapter 16.